SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2023 AT 6:00PM
For Guatemala...An Evening of Hope 2023
Minneapolis Event Centers
We are SO excited to be able to hold our annual fundraiser in person this year!!! We have missed you all dearly and cannot wait to see you again! Tickets are now available at www.biddingforgood.com/aneveningofhope. Please follow our Facebook Event page for any additional information.
6:00PM............................COCKTAIL HOUR & APPETIZERS 6:00PM............................GUATEMALAN MARKET AND SILENT AUCTION 7:15PM............................GUATEMALAN DINNER 7:30PM............................PROGRAM & LIVE AUCTIONS 10:00PM......................... EVENT ENDS
Online silent auction bidding begins March 10 at 8:00am. If you cannot attend, you can enjoy bidding on an array of beautiful and unique items up until the auction closes on March 25 at 7:30pm. www.biddingforgood.com/aneveningofhope
Please join El Amor de Patricia for a special pre-event reception that includes our Evening of Hope plus early access to the market, complementary champagne, and a guacamole bar while you visit with past team members and special guests from Guatemala! https://www.elamordepatricia.org/evening-of-hope-champagne-reception