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Food and Water

The work of El Amor de Patricia is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of the biggest challenges in the village of Yalu. Whether it be through our feeding program, education, or other needs, El Amor listens to the voices of the villagers. In addition to our sponsored families in our current feeding program, El Amor continues to provide COVID Crisis Relief to nearly 50 families every two weeks. These families have struggled with lost jobs and have minimal access to food. Therefore, we provide a subsidy of basic protein-enriched food twice a month as they continue to seek stability. El Amor is in need of more monthly sponsors to help support this life-saving work. Imagine not being able to feed your family. Click here for sponsorship info.

Last spring, after the municipality of Sumpango dug a well and provided water pumps for Yalu, the village leaders approached El Amor de Patricia about the possibility of a partnership to help distribute clean water throughout the town. Yalu is the only village in the municipality that does not have access to water in their homes. Women in the village must make many long trips each day to the pilas to bring water to their houses for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Many start hauling water as early as 4 a.m., with their babies on their backs and toddlers at their sides, to make sure the pilas do not run dry before they haul a sufficient amount of water needed for the day. El Amor enthusiastically joined this partnership and has committed to purchasing the materials for the project. The engineer from the municipality will provide the guidance, and the people of Yalu will do the labor. This partnership with the municipality and the village is very exciting for El Amor. On November 9, 2021 we broke ground in Yalu for the project. The Mayor, the villagers, and El Amor joined together to bless this momentous occasion and start digging the trenches. What a joyous celebration!

This water project will be completed in five phases at the cost of approximately $4000 per phase. Attached is a link from the municipality of Sumpango sharing the fabulous news about the project! This is so exciting! Check out the video here FOOD AND WATER... it does not get more basic than that. Imagine the hot sun beating down on you all day while working in a field and finally getting to go home to take a shower. Something so simple that most of us take for granted. We want to thank everyone who has come forward with such incredible support for our beloved Yalu. Your generous contributions will make a remarkable difference for the people we serve.

I promise.

Kahleah Guibault


El Amor de Patricia

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