It's truly heartwarming to see the impact that organizations like New Life Academy are making on communities in Guatemala. In 2022, New Life Academy brought its first mission team of high school juniors to Guatemala, and their experience was deeply transformative. The students were profoundly inspired by El Amor de Patricia's unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals in the village of Yalu and at El Amor de Patricia’s children’s home. The commitment to providing essential resources such as education, life skills, clean water, and even fundamental necessities like beds and stoves resonated strongly with the young team.
New Life Academy, being a Christian school, holds the profound mission of educating students while fostering their growth within a Christ-centered community where they are truly known, loved, and valued. This philosophy aligns remarkably well with El Amor de Patricia's compassionate work. It's inspiring to learn that New Life Academy is sending their next class of juniors to Guatemala in November 2024 to continue their service at El Amor de Patricia. This speaks volumes about the interconnectedness of faith, learning, and service, showcasing the positive impact that can arise from collaboration between organizations that share such deeply rooted values.
Now, New Life students are actively raising funds for meaningful projects in the Village of Yalu, including bunk beds, stoves, house painting, and food deliveries. This initiative not only reflects New Life Academy's core values but also mirrors El Amor de Patricia's holistic approach to community development.