“I just want to be able to read the instructions on my child’s medicine bottle.”
“I want to help to help my kids with their homework.”
“I want to be able to sign my name.”
~ Mothers in our CONALFA program
El Amor is partnering with the Department of Education with this specialized curriculum for adults who left school at a young age. School for young mothers is taught in Spanish and each woman will be taught beginning at the grade level she requires.
CONALFA is our program for mothers to return to school to complete their primary education.
Many were forced to leave at a young age, before ever learning to read or write to care for their siblings or cook, clean their parents’ home, or work in the fields. When we asked some of the moms why they wanted to study they answered,
“I just want to be able to read the instructions on my child’s medicine bottle.”
“I want to help to help my kids with their homework.”
“I want to be able to sign my name.”
The simplest things, we take for granted.
El Amor de Patricia provides a daycare for the children of themoms while they study. We use two of our classrooms for the kids as well as our newly completed library built in honor of Tom Peterkins, father of longtime EL Amor Supporter, Vicki Peterkins. The new shelves are lined with books in English and Spanish waiting to transport our students to other parts of the world. One day, hopefully soon we will complete the roof where a telescope will allow the kids to understand more fully how our world works.
While the daycare children are with us, we provide a protein-enriched snack daily as well as dinner for them to take home to their families. We give them all the tools possible so they can learn, side by side with their mothers.