Children's Home
I dream of a Guatemala where all children are safe. I dream of a Guatemala where kids do not have their childhood stolen from them. I dream of a Guatemala where every child has loving adults around to protect them. Where no child must face abuse, neglect, malnutrition, or separation from family. And while I do not know if I will see this Guatemala in my lifetime, I know one thing for sure. El Amor de Patricia will be here. El Amor de Patricia is dedicated to our children. To Yalu. El Amor de Patricia is access to education, medical care, healthy nutrition, and therapy. El Amor de Patricia is safety. It is home. It is love. ~ Kahleah Guibault, Director El Amor de Patricia
El Amor de Patricia’s children’s home, nestled in the heart of San Lucas, Sacatepequez, is a safe haven for abandoned, abused, and neglected children who are loved, appreciated, and encouraged to reach their full potential in a family-style setting. Our home provides stability, healthy nutrition, private education, and comprehensive medical, psychological, and dental care, in a safe and empowering holistic environment. El Amor includes activities that foster a deep appreciation for the Guatemalan culture and offer real-life experiences that enhance our children’s lives in mind, body, and spirit. With a low nanny/child ratio, the kids receive individualized care and an abundance of love.
Sponsor a Child
Your sponsorship helps provide a safe and loving home that fosters a developmentally healthy environment at the most critical time in their lives. When you sponsor a child, you will get general updates, photos, and letters. Below are the children that are available for sponsorship.
You choose your sponsorship amount. (minimum $25 per month). This amount will go towards helping cover the cost of living for all 25 children in our home (healthy nutrition, housing, loving and dedicated staff, real-life activities, medical checkups, and therapy).
Due to the privacy of some of our kids, who are court-ordered to be at
El Amor de Patricia, we do not show their pictures on our website.

Jo enjoys drawing and painting.

Sh loves to play with her dolls.

LF loves to play with his building blocks

M loves dinosaurs and singing songs.

MF loves to dance and listen to music.

Jhony is our sweet and kind basketball star.

Shiseyla is always playing and helping with the babies and loves spending time with her friends

Brayan loves playing soccer.

Jefferson enjoys playing basketball.

Walesca loves animals and is a little fashionista!

P loves her dolls and stuffed animals.

S is excited to start school in January!

Dany is very active and loves playing soccer and cars with the other kids.

A loves her sensory play!

M loves to play soccer and with little cars. His fun energy is contagious!

Josefina loves to swing and play with dolls.

S enjoys her 8th grade clases, especially computer class.

M enjoys climbing and playing sports.

Katherine loves to paint her nails and play dressup.

R´s favorite food is pizza.

Roxane is always smiling and happy. She lights up any room she is in with her humor and good attitude.

A loves to ride his bike around.

Yesica has been in our program since she was six years old. She loves music, Marvel movies and hamburgers.

L loves to spend her afternoons smelling the roses and enjoying the sunshine.

Daniela is full of energy. She loves to play soccer with his friends.

D loves to care for two sweet pups.

K loves to read and play with her brother.

A is kind and lights up a room with her smile.

Elba loves to play soccer and foosball.

J is our shining soccer star.

D is a natural born leader. She will change the world one day!
How do I sponsor a child?Once you choose a child to sponsor, click the donate button on sponsorship page and follow the prompts to make monthly donations.
What can I expect when I sponsor a child?You can expect to build a special connection with the child. You will receive updates and pictures via social media, cards, and letters. Pictures will be mailed twice a year. You can send birthday gifts if you choose and we will inform you if the child is in need of anything in particular, including medical needs. You are never obligated to help.
How much does it cost to sponsor a child?The minimum sponsorship is $25 per month. However, we invite people to choose the sponsorship level that works for them. During the checkout process, you will be allowed to choose your monthly sponsorship amount.